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CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth Journal. By: Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge - Only the Sheeple Are Sane. This post is about an issue that is by now a bit dated (though the topic as such certainly isn’t), but we have only just become aware of it and it seemed to us worth rescuing it from...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: Chris Kitze. Recently,, an official site for Falun Gong meditation, released a story about a new dimension in the forced organ harvesting and transplantation programs in China. For the past 15 years, peaceful Falun Gong meditators have been persecuted in China. The persecution has included arrest, imprisonment, torture, forced labor and...
....................................................................................................................... CURATOR: Greg Ericson. HIGH LEVEL ONLY: World Leaders, Government, Global Military-Industrial Complex, Multi-National Corporations, The Ultra Wealthy Bloodlines, Banksters, United Nations, Hollywood, Charities, Police, African Union, European Union, Vatican, Intelligence Agencies, Bilderberg, MAFIA, Interpol, Bohemian Grove, World Health Org, Celebrities, DRUG CARTELS, Mainstream Media, Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, NATO, Yale’s Skull And Bones...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Who Really Killed JFK? The host of The Common Sense Show, Dave Hodges, welcomed a first time guest, John Onesti, as they discuss John’s ground breaking discoveries of new information related to the JFK assassination. John’s approach to JFK assassination is novel and very interesting. You will enjoy this thought...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: TwoSunsInTheSky. Unusual Geological Events: Mysterious Booms And Shaking 1/31/2015 (Video) Posted on January 31, 2015 by JayWill7497 A surge of booms, bangs and shaking explodes in 2015. But why? This video does not mean the world is ending.. It’s just changing right before our eyes….. Enjoy!! Boom events from...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: Militant Libertarian. ...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Steve Quayle forwarded me this disturbing piece of news as reported to him by one of his readers regarding the Russian and Chinese pre-invasion plans. This fits, hand in glove, with what I reported this morning with regard to the fact that foreign troops will be running the FEMA camps...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. Christians & Antichrist? A Revealing Word Study! Pastor Carl Gallups At 5:05: Daniel 7:25-27 "But, in the Apocalypse, the court will sit and will take away the Antichrist's power and completely destroy it for ever. Then the sovereignty power and greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be...
....................................................................................................................... CURATOR: John Ale. By John Ale A high-tech office in Sweden is implanting its workers with computer chips under the skin in order for them to access the building, a move which 'biohackers' says is preparation for a dystopian future when governments and corporations adopt the same technology. Kev Baker Show: Kev Baker...
....................................................................................................................... CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. When the American people, courtesy of the independent media only, reported that The Department of Homeland Security had obtained 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers, do you recall the government’s explanation? After all, who is DHS preparing to fight? It is not likely that they...
....................................................................................................................... MORE POPULAR STORIESCURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: Natural Health 365
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
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